Matteo Scarlata

About me

$ whoami

$ groups
applied_crypto ethz

$ alias

$ ps
1 pts/0 9490-0:23:44 life
3100542 pts/0 1095-0:13:14 phd

$ last
matteo tty0 Mon Jun 3 2024 19:00



$ cat todo.txt
[x] water the fountain
[x] play CTFs
[ ] finish TODO list
[ ] upload these photos
[x] poke cyanpencil
[x] Strong Perfect Froward Secrecy paper
[x] internship @ Google, 2021
[x] TA @ Applied Crypto Course, ETHZ, 2022
[x] IACR-CROSSING School on Combinatorial Techniques in Cryptography, 2022
[x] Summer School on Real-World Crypto and Privacy @ Sibenik, 2022
[x] HMAC something something ---> @ CRYPTO '23!!!
[x] Survive DEF CON 30
[x] research visit @ UCSD
[x] break some secure messaging apps ---> @ {USENIX Security '23, RWC 23, WAC 6 c/o CRYPTO 23 }!
[x] get beers with Kien
[x] break some secure backup apps
[x] TA @ Applied Crypto Course, ETHZ, 2023 (phew thanks Kien)
[x] RWC 23 @ Tokyo!
[x] make cyanpencil sleep more
[ ] Chunk that chunk chank chunk?
[ ] Get enough sleep to stay awake for the entire CCC Camp 23!
[x] Prepare Crypto talk for CCC Camp 23!
[x] hike from Ziegeleipark to the closest train station at 4am
[x] break more messaging apps! ---> Wire security analysis!
[ ] eat strawberries at Crypto 23
[ ] build a secure-by-design cryptographic protocols library
[x] play with Noise
[ ] make Signal PCS again (was too slow, they did it themselves)
[x] break MFKDF ---> USENIX '24
[x] new year's in the North :)
[x] RWC 24 @ Toronto!
[x] visit Cornell Tech! (Carolina you're super!)
[x] watch >=2 Broadway shows!
[x] get invited by Piet to give a talk!
[x] TA @ Applied Crypto Course, ETHZ, 2024 (phew thanks all the TA team)
[x] make a sandwich on stage at Eurocrypt '24
[ ] cool OPRF construction
[ ] get a talk at WAC 7
[ ] write up that paper that has been in the pipeline forever
[ ] write up the other paper that has been in the pipeline forever
[ ] unanamorphic crypto
[ ] survive the summer


$ cd cocktails; ls

$ cat
If you are facing a long and difficult task, it is in the tradition of the Masters to accompany it with a cocktail. In this folder, a growing collection of recipes, distilled from said Masters.

$ cat
# "Zen" cocktail for reversing
- Two ice cubes
- Dry Martini (1/3)
- Wodka Moskowskaia (1/3)
- Schweppes (1/3)
- Lemon zest
- Green Olive
"Sip slowly, look at the data, meditate, crack anything in sight."

$ cat
# "Refreshing" cocktail for cryptographic research
- Two ice cubes
- Amaro Jefferson (1/6)
- Gin (1/6)
- Tonic (2/3)
- Lime
"The Eurocrypt submissions will write themselves."